By Carol Anderson
Milwaukee family with lead-poisoned child says that state officials are “complicit” in not taking responsibility for the issue
Lead poisoning has been an ongoing issue in Milwaukee City, Wisconsin as 11 percent of their children suffered from it back in 2016. More recently, parents of a five-year-old boy victim called out the city government for being “complicit.” Nazir Al-Mujaahid and his wife Aminah shared the horrific story of finding out that their youngest […]
By Amy Goodrich
US government has already paid out $159 million in damages to vaccine injured children so far in 2017
America has been under the spell of a vaccine hysteria due to the recent measles outbreak among unvaccinated Somali-Americans in Minnesota. Once again, vaccine skepticism and anti-vaccine activists, such as the “discredited” Dr. Andrew Wakefield, have been blamed for the outbreak that affected 48 people. Americans are constantly told that vaccines are the safest, most […]
By Vicki Batts
MISSOURI takes steps to ban mercury from vaccines… why won’t California or New York?
State Representative Lynn Morris, hailing from Missouri, made waves earlier this year when she introduced a bill that would prohibit mercury and other metals from being used for any reason in vaccines administered in Missouri public health clinics. The bill, HB 331, would prevent adults and children from being injected with potentially harmful metals for […]
By Mary Wilder
The cashless society is Big Government’s end game for absolute control over everyone
The end game of the federal government is to enslave all the people of the United States. This is not some crazed conspiracy theory – this is something that is totally obvious once you look at the evidence that continues to pile up in support of the belief. By continuing to pass laws and regulations […]
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